Information Pc Game :
Virtua Tennis (Power Smash in Japan) is a 1999 tennis arcade game created by Sega-AM3.
The player competes through tennis tournaments in an arcade mode. For the home
console market the game was expanded with the introduction of the campaign mode.
It was later ported to Dreamcast in 2000, and for Microsoft Windows in 2002. A Game
Boy Advance version was also released in 2002.
A sequel, Virtua Tennis 2, was released in 2002 and was later updated and ported for
the PlayStation Portable, under the name Virtua Tennis: World Tour. 2006 saw the release of
Virtua Tennis 3 in the arcades (using the Sega Lindbergh hardware).
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and PC versions were released in 2007.
Virtua Tennis 2009, was released on June 9, 2009 on PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii platforms. The latest addition to the franchise, Virtua Tennis 4, was released in May 10, 2011.

Virtua Tennis The Sport Game Minimum System Requirement
- Virtua Tennis Pentium II 450MHz, Athlon/Duron 500MHz, or Celeron 600Mz Processor
- Virtua Tennis 310MB Hard Disk Space
- Virtua Tennis 200MB Swap Memory Space
- Virtua Tennis 64MB RAM
- Virtua Tennis 8X CD-ROM Drive
- Virtua Tennis DirectX-compatible Sound Card
- Virtua Tennis DirectX 8.1
- Virtua Tennis 16MB Direct3D Accelerated Video Card
- Virtua Tennis 128MB RAM
- Virtua Tennis 24X CD-ROM Drive
- Virtua Tennis 32MB Direct3D Accelerated Video Card
- Virtua Tennis RECOMMENDED
- Virtua Tennis Pentium III 800MHz Processor
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